
Achillea 'Appleblossom'
36" flat clusters of rosy-pink blossoms atop sturdy stems, SUN (DR)(DT)
Yarrow Appleblossom

Achillea m. 'Cerise Queen'
18"-24" flat topped clusters of bright cherry red flowers, SUN (DR)
Yarrow Red

Achillea millefolium 'Paprika'
24" tall erect stems, red flowers, white centers, FULL SUN
Yarrow Paprika

Achillea 'Moonshine'
18"-24" small clustered sulfur yellow flowers, FULL SUN
Yarrow Moonshine

Achillea t. 'King Edward'
6"-10" pal primrose-yellow flowers over wooly foliage, SUN
Wooly Yarrow

Achillea 'Terra Cotta'
24" small clustered peach-terra cotta flowers, FULL SUN
Yarrow Terra Cotta

Achillea tomentosum 'Lemon'
3"-4" fuzzy gray creeping foliage w/cheery yellow bloom , SUN (DT)(DR)
Yarrow Lemon

Achillea 'Wesser River Sandstone'
24" tall erect stems, deep pink flowers, FULL SUN
Yarrow Wesser River Sandstone

Aconitum fischeri
18"-24" long spikes, hooded light blue flowers, SHADE/PART SHADE (DR)
Monkshood Dwarf

Aconitum napellus
30"-40" long spikes, hooded purple-blue flowers, SHADE/PART SHADE
Garden Monkshood

Aconitum napellus 'Alba'
30"-40" long spikes, hooded white flowers, SHADE/PART SHADE
Garden Monkshood White

Aconitum 'Stainless Steel'
40" rounded-lobed leaves on thin stems, blue hooded flowers, SHADE/PART SHADE
Monkshood Tall Blue

Adenophora lilifolia
24"-30" bell shaped light purple flowers on long stems, SUN/PART SHADE
Lady's Bells

Aegopodium p. 'Varigatum'
6"-14" vigorous ground cover, green-white foliage, SUN/PART SHADE
Bishops Weed

Agastache astromontana 'Pink Pop'
12" pink flowers, fragrant flowers and foliage, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)(DR)
Hyssop Pink Pop

Agastache 'Blue Fortune'
24" blue/violet spikes, long blooming, heavy scent, FULL SUN
Anise Hyssop Blue Fortune

Agastache c. 'Sonoran Sunset'
12"-18" showy, fragrant, tubular purple flowers, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)(DR)
Hyssop Purple

Agastache m. 'Red Fortune'
15"-28" spikes of rose-red flowers, last all summer into fall, fragrant, SUN/PART SHADE
Hyssop Red

Agastache rupestris 'Orange Hyssop'
18"-20" sunset orange flowers, fragrant, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)(DR)
Hyssop Orange

Agastache 'Tutti Frutti'
24" masses of pink tubular flowers, attracts humming birds, FULL SUN
Anise Hyssop Tutti Frutti

Ajuga r. 'Black Scallop'
6" low-growing dark purple almost black foliage, SUN/PART SHADE
Bugleweed Dark

Ajuga r. 'Bronze Beauty'
6" strong ground cover, bluish flowers bronze foliage, SUN/SHADE
Bugleweed Bronze

Ajuga r. 'Chocolate Chip'
6" dwarf ajuga that has small shiny green foliage w/chocolate hightlights, SHADE
Bugleweed Dwarf

Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'
6" tri-colored foliage, blue flower spikes, SUN/PART SHADE
Carpet Bugle Burgundy Glow

Ajuga reptans 'Caitlins Giant'
6" glossy, bronze-purple evergreen leaves, SUN/PART SHADE
Carpet Bugle Large Leaved

Ajuga reptans 'Mahogony'
6" short stemmed leaves lush and glossy, black-burgundy, SUN/PART SHADE
Carpet Bugle Mahogony

Alcea r. 'Blacknight'
5'-6' stable, straight black/purple, single flowered, true perennial, SUN
Hollyhock Deep Black/Purple

Alcea r. 'Mars Magic'
5'-6' single red hollyhock, SUN
Hollyhock Red

Alcea rosea 'Chaters Red'
4'-6' tall flowers pikes with double red flowers, FULL SUN
Hollyhock Chaters Red

Alcea rosea 'Nigra'
4'-6' large, single dark maroon almost black blooms on stately flower spikes, SUN
Hollyhock Dark Maroon

Alcea rosea 'Party Girl'
4'-6' tall flwoers spikes w/single pink flowers, FULL SUN
Hollyhock Party Girl

Alcea rosea 'Singles Mix'
4'-6' tall flowers spikes w/single mixed flowers, FULL SUN
Hollyhock Single Mix

Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller'
18" yellowish flower over gray-green foliage, SHADE/PART SUN
Lady's Mantle Thriller

Alyssum argenteum
10"-12" wood stems, silver foliage w/yellow flowers, FULL SUN
Alyssum Silver

Alyssum saxatile 'Gold Dust'
8"-12" bushy silver foliage, topped w/golden flowers, FULL SUN
Alyssum Basket of Gold

Alyssum saxatile 'Summit'
12"-18" bright yellow flowers over thick foliage, SUN (DR)(DT)
Basket of Gold

Anchusa 'Blue Angel'
12"-24" bright blue flowers over bristly foliage, SHADE/PART SHADE
Bugloss Blue

Anemone hupehensis japonica
24" rose-pink flowers over lacy foliage, SUN/PART SHADE
Windflower Pink

Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm'
24"-36" single, rose-pink blossoms w/darker outer petals, SHADE/PART SHADE
Windflower Fall

Anemone sylvestris
12" fragrant, noddin, white flowers, re-blooms, SUN/PART SHADE
Windflower Snowdrop

Antenanria parvifolia
15" dense silvery foliage novel flowers, re-blooms, SUN/PART SHADE

Antennaria d. 'Rubra'
4"-6" deep pink blooms over silver foliage, SUN (DR)(DT)
Pussytoes Pink

Anthemis t. 'Sancti Johannis'
18"-24" prolific single orange flowers, all summer bloom, SUN/PART SHADE
Marguerite Daisy Orange

Anthemis tinctoria kelwayi
18"-36" golden yellow flowers on finely cut foliage, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)
Marguerite Daisy Golden

Aquilegia 'alpina blue'
12"-24" deep blue flowers on strong erect stems, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)
Columbine Alpine Blue

Aquilegia 'Biedermeier'
18" early blooming dwarf form, profuse mix of colors over compact plant, PART SHADE
Columbine Mix

Aquilegia c. 'Music Red & Gold'
18"-20" bright red, long spurred flowers w/yellow centers, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Red & Gold

Aquilegia c. 'Swan Blue & White'
22" blue flowers w/white cup, tremendous bud count, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Blue & White

Aquilegia c. 'Swan Lavender'
22" lavender flowers w/white cup, tremendous bud count, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Lavender

Aquilegia c. 'Swan Red & White'
22" red flowers w/white cup, tremendous bud count, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Red & White

Aquilegia c. 'Swan Yellow'
22" creamy yellow flowers w/darker cup, large blooms, hight bud count, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Yellow

Aquilegia c. 'Origami Blue & White'
12"-24" blue & white flowers, silver-grey foliage, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)(DR)
Columbine Blue & White

Aquilegia c. 'Origami Pink & White'
12"-24" pink & white flowers, silver-grey foliage, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)(DR)
Columbine Pink & White

Aquilegia c. 'Origami Red & White'
12"-24" red & white flowers on strong stems, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)(DR)
Columbine Red & White

Aquilegia caerulea
18" showy spurred flower in blue, lavender and white, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Colorado

Aquilegia caerulea 'Crimson Star'
12"-24" red petals w/yellow spots, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Crimson Star

Aquilegia caerulea 'Dove'
24" early flowering hybrid, huge 3" flowers, pure white
Columbine Dove

Aquilegia caerulea 'Rocky Mountain Blue'
24" Colorado state flower, sky blue sepals and white petals, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Rocky Mountain Blue

Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird Mix'
24" early flowering hybrid, huge 3" flowers
Columbine Songbird Mix

Aquilegia canadensis
12"-24" yellow petals w/red pearls, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbiine Wild

Aquilegia canadensis 'Corbett'
8"-12" profuse display of yellow lantern flowers, compact plants, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Yellow

Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns'
18" brilliant red flowers w/yellow corollas, SUN/PART SHADE

Aquilegia crysantha
30" tall large solid yellow flowers, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Denver Gold

Aquilegia 'Dragonfly Mix'
18" long spurred flowers in blue, red, yellow or bicolored, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Dragonfly Mix

Aquilegia flabellata 'Cameo Blue & White'
5" for garden or pots, long blooming from spring on, blue and white
Columbine Cameo Blue & White

Aquilegia flabellata 'Cameo Mix'
5" for garden or pots, long blooming from spring on, mix colors
Columbine Cameo Mix

Aquilegia 'McKana Giants'
18"-24" blue & white, pink & white, red & yellow, solid yellow & white, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Mix

Aquilegia 'Origami Mix'
12"-24" mixed flowers, silver/gray foliage, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)(DR)
Columbine Mix

Aquilegia 'Origami Yellow'
16" yellow flowers w/white cup, long bloom window, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Yellow

Aquilegia 'Songbird Blue Jay'
24" compact beautiful blue flowers, white centers, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Blue Jay

Aquilegia 'Spring Magic Blue & White'
18"-24" hard blue & white flowers
Columbine Blue & White

Aquilegia 'Swan White'
22" dazzling, snowy-white flowers on uniform plant, SUN/PART SHADE (DR)
Columbine White

Aquilegia v. 'Clementine Dark Purple'
12"-18" fully double, spurless, upward facing flowers, compact foliage, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Dark Purple

Aquilegia v. 'Double Pleat Blue & White'
18" double pleated, blue & white flower, bi-colored bases, compact plant, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Blue & White

Aquilegia v. 'Origami White'
16" white flowers w/white cup, long bloom, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine White

Aquilegia v. 'Ruby Port'
24"-32" dark rub, double w/short spurs, bluish foliage, upright habit, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Dark Ruby

Aquilegia v. 'Winky Blue & White'
20" abundant, upright blue & white flowers on sturdy, compact plant, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Blue & White

Aquilegia v. 'Winky Red & White'
20" abundant, upright red & white flowers on sturdy, compact plant, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Red & White

Aquilegia x hybrida 'Cardinal'
12"-24" red & white bicolor flowers, SUN/PART SHADE (DR)
Columbine Red

Aqulegia v. 'Barlow Blue'
30" fully double, deep blue, spurless, upward, rose like flowers, SUN/PART SHADE
Columbine Blue

Arabis caucasia 'Copinkie'
4"-8" low grow plant w/delicate pink flowers, FULL SUN
Rockcress Copinkie

Arabis caucasia 'Snow Cap'
6" low growing plant w/light white flowers, FULL SUN
Rockcress Snow Cap

Arctostaphylos x 'Emerald Carpet'
12" dense green foliage, white flower, excellent groundcover, SUN (DR)(DT)

Armeria formosa 'Joystick Lilac'
15" long stemmed, lilac colored, globular flowers, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)
Seathrift Tall Lilac

Armeria formosa 'Joystick Red'
15" long stemmed, large red globular flowers, SUN/PART SHADE
Seathrift Joystick Red

Armeria formosa 'Joystick White'
15" long stemmed, white globular flowers, SUN/PART SHADE (DT)
Seathrift Tall White

Ameria maritima 'Alba'
8" narrow, grasslike foliage w/white globe shaped flowers, FULL SUN
Seathrift Pink White

Armeria maritima 'Splendens'
8" globe shaped red flowers, SUN/PART SHADE
Seathrift Red

Artemisia 'Powis Castle'
30" tall, distinct, silvery foliage, shrublike, SUN (DT)(DR)
Wormwood Tall

Artemisia schmidtiana
10" silver fern like foliage, insignificant flower, FULL SUN
Silver Mound/Wormwood

Artemisia stelleriana 'Silver Brocade'
4"-8" sprawling silver foliage
Wormwood Prostrate

Aruncus d. sylvestris
3'-5' showy, creamy white plumes above dark green foliage, SUN/PART SHADE
Goats Beard

Aster alpinus
6"-12" short compat mix of aster flowers, late spring/early summer bloom, SUN/PART SHADE
Alpine Aster

Aster alpinus 'Dwarf Mix'
12" full foliage, daisy like flowers in pink, blue or purple, SUN/PART SHADE
Dwarf Alpine Aster

Aster d. 'Professor Kippenburg'
12"-15" large clusters of blue flowers, late summer bloom, SUN (DR)
Aster Blue

Aster dumosus 'Woods Blue'
15"-18" fall blooming, blue flower w/yellow center, SUN/PART SHADE
Aster Woods Blue

Aster dumosus 'Woods Pink'
12"-16" fall blooming, pink flower, SUN/PART SHADE
Aster Woods Pink

Aster dumosus 'Woods Purple'
15"-18" fall blooming, purple flowers, SUN/PART SHADE
Aster Fall Purple

Aster Novi-Belgii
12"-15" fall blooming, lavender flower w/gold center, SUN/PART SHADE
Aster Professor Kippenburg

Aster Novi-Belgii 'White Swan'
24" fall blooming, large white flowers, SUN/PART SHADE
Aster White Swan